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Ejemplos de modos de fusión

Estos ejemplos muestran el resultado de pintar parte de la cara de la imagen utilizando cada modo de fusión.

Para ver un vídeo sobre los modos de fusión, visite www.adobe.com/go/vid0012_es.

Imagen original

Normal, 100% de opacidad

Normal, 50% de opacidad

Disolver, 50% de opacidad





Subexponer color

Subexposición lineal



Sobreexponer color

Sobreexposición lineal (Añadir)


Luz suave

Luz fuerte

Luz intensa

Luz lineal

Luz focal

Mezcla definida






Luminosidad, 80% de opacidad

Color más claro

Color más oscuro


Copy path components between two Photoshop files

  1. Open both images.
  2. In the source image, use the Path Selection tool  to select the entire path or the path components that you want to copy.
  3. To copy the path component, do any of the following:
    • Drag the path component from the source image to the destination image. The path component is copied to the active path in the Paths panel.

    • In the source image, select the path name in the Paths panel and choose Edit > Copy to copy the path. In the destination image, choose Edit > Paste. You can also use this method to combine paths in the same image.

    • To paste the path component into the destination image, select the path component in the source image, and choose Edit > Copy. In the destination image, choose Edit > Paste.

Delete a path component

  1. Select the path name in the Paths panel, and click a path component with the Path Selection tool .
  2. Press Backspace (Windows) or Delete (Mac OS) to delete the selected path component.

Align and distribute path components

You can align and distribute path components that are described in a single path. For example, you can align the left edges of several shapes contained in a single layer or distribute several components in a work path along their horizontal centers.

Note: To align shapes that are on separate layers, use the Move tool.